Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Top 10 Reasons to Purchase Customized Itineraries

A Disney vacation is expensive. So why would you want to spend even more money on it? Here are my top 10 reasons why you could benefit from one of my customized itineraries.

1. Crowds. You may have heard, but Disney is crowded! It's only gotten more crowded in recent years as new attractions are opening up each year and Disney is running more promos than ever to where there isn't really an "off" season anymore. For travelers who aren't used to being around large crowds or get anxious walking elbow-to-elbow with strangers, having a plan that accounts for crowd patters during the day can help you avoid certain areas and attractions at the busiest part of the day and navigate more smoothly through the parks. This can save so much time and anxiety!

2. Long lines. To some people, amusement parks and long lines go hand in hand. But it doesn't have to be that way! When I took my oldest son for the first time, he was 2 years old and I was determined to not wait in long lines with him for fear of meltdowns or my arms falling off from holding him for so long! I did tons of research to figure out the best way to structure my day so I could experience all our must-do attractions without the long waits. The result of all that research (and several subsequent vacations under my belt!) is the ability to craft plans that give you the shortest possible wait times for the rides you care most about. Time is money, and the price of these plans can pay for itself in the time you save by not standing in long lines.

3. So many decisions! The sheer number of attractions at Walt Disney World is enough to send anyone's head spinning, but especially if you are new to the parks. It's not possible to see and do all that WDW has to offer in one vacation (unless maybe you're there for a month!), so it's important to know what your options are and what you most want to experience. I can work with you to figure out the best options for your family and then strategically plan your days to include those attractions. Can't you just wing it when you get there? You could, but I cannot tell you how many borderline-angry conversations I overhear at Disney from families who are trying to decide what to do next. Having a plan can eliminate those kinds of frustrating moments and allow you to spend your time making magical memories instead.

4. Fastpass, Show Times, Dining. It's not just a matter of lining up what you'll do when. A Disney vacation requires advanced planning if you want to ride the most popular attractions without waiting an hour or more. Fastpass + allows you to schedule 3 advanced fastpasses (FP) per day. If staying off Disney property, you can schedule 30 days in advance. If you're staying at a Disney resort or a good neighbor hotel, you can schedule those 60 days in advance. If you want table service restaurants on your vacation, particularly those with characters, you must have reservations. Those can be made 180 days in advance. You also have to factor in scheduled times for shows you want to see including parades, fireworks, and live performances. Disney basically requires you to be a planner if you want to optimize your trip. But if you've never done it before, it can be overwhelming. Let me help!

5. Weather. Did you know it gets pretty dang hot in Florida? It also rains a lot. Unfortunately I cannot craft you a plan that avoids either of these elements. But I do consider the hottest part of the day, as well as the frequent afternoon showers, and structure your day so that you'll be experiencing attractions that are indoors during those times. These are also some of the more crowded times of the day, and those attractions are typically shows that see lower wait times. So it's a win/win!

6. Steps. So many steps. My family averages around 15-20K steps per day at Disney. That's a lot of walking! And that's with a plan that tries to eliminate excessive walking and back-tracking! Here's what often happens at Disney (and this can happen to the best of us!) -- you're in one area of the park. You check the My Disney Experience app and see that an attraction in another area has a very low wait time so you book it over there, then you check again and see that an attraction in yet another area has a low wait time so you head over there, then you have to go back across the park for your next FP. Then you have to go across the park again for your lunch reservations. By midday you're completely exhausted, may have blisters, and if you have kiddos without a stroller -- you may be carrying a child. My plans help you tackle each park in a strategic way so that you aren't running back and forth all day long. Trust me. You'll be tired enough as it is!

7. Rest Time. If you're going with young kids (or even if you're not!), you may require a midday rest. This can look different, depending on your family's preferences. It could mean heading back to the hotel for a swim and a nap. It could mean choosing indoor shows where you can sit, cool off, and hopefully get your kids to fall asleep. It could mean shopping or catching a castle-front show while your kids nap in the stroller. It could mean stopping for a meal. However it looks, you need to account for it. If you plan a lot of fastpasses or big attractions during those hours, you may end up with a tired and cranky family.

8. Planning takes effort! Figuring all of this out can take hours and hours of research and consideration. If you're completely new to WDW or haven't been in 10 or so years, you'll need to do some research to be properly prepared. And considering each of the things I've already mentioned takes a lot of time, too. Not everyone wants to do this or has the spare time to put into it. Creating a WDW touring plan is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle, often with the image slightly changing about halfway through! Some crazy people (like me!) think it's fun. Others think it's a nightmare. If you're in the latter group, or just don't have the time to put in all this work, let me do that for you! It will only take you about 30 minutes total to answer some questions during an initial consultation and then I'll put in the time to create your plans!

9. Disney is expensive. I know this was kind of my first point as we started, but it's so true that it's worth repeating. You're spending a lot of hard earned money for this family vacation. Don't you want to do all you can to make that investment worth it? I've heard too many sad stories of families not enjoying their time at Disney because they weren't properly prepared for the realities of it and how to navigate each day. Don't be that family!

10. These plans are not expensive. This is probably the cheapest Disney-related thing you'll purchase. For the cost a round of Dole Whips or Mickey Bars for the family, you can invest in magical memories and not hours of exhaustion, frustration, and ultimately experiencing very little of what Disney has to offer.

So there you have it! The top 10 reasons to purchase a customized Disney itinerary from A Whole New World: Planning Services. Click on the services tab or visit us on Facebook to schedule your initial consultation and choose the package that's right for you. I can promise you that going to Disney with a plan versus without really is a whole new world!

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