Our Story

Hi! I'm Christy and this is my little family! We love all things Disney! We're big fans of Disney movies and Disney music and yes, Disney parks. My youngest son is in love with Moana. My oldest can't stick with a favorite for long before he moves on to being obsessed with another movie or character. As a result, we own dozens upon dozens of Disney plush toys! My husband Scott and I are equally guilty of Disney obsession. You can find us donning our Mickey apparel on the weekends and watching Disney vlogs on Youtube just about every night before bed! Yes, really.

My love for Disney planning started innocently enough. We decided to take our oldest son (only son at the time) when he had just turned 2. We did what most families do and started out slow -- just 3 park days. 2 at Magic Kingdom and 1 at Animal Kingdom. We hadn't visited WDW since our 2 year anniversary in 2011. That was pre-advanced fastpasses. That change alone required a lot of research to figure out how to do this vacation. I got a lot of negative feedback from people (fools!) who said 2 was too young for Disney. Maybe it's my stubborn personality, but when they told me it was a bad idea, I was determined to prove them wrong.

I went all out with researching everything I needed to know to do Disney World right! I wanted to avoid long lines. I wanted to make sure we did everything we wanted. I wanted to try all the best foods and snacks. I wanted to see the best shows. I wanted to know what to do when it was nap time for my kid. I spent hours devouring information from blogs, Pinterest boards, Youtube videos, and even a very thick book! The result was an extremely thorough touring plan for our vacation.

And let me tell you -- our trip was magical! All that research and planning really paid off. We went again in 2018, after having my 2nd son, he was 20 months and my oldest was 4. We decided to go all out and do 7 park days! I did more research, since things change year to year, and I came up with another touring plan. And again, it was great!

After that trip, we officially were hooked on Disney! We went three more times last year and we're already booked to go again this September. On top of that, we've done several non-park Disney days where we explore the resorts and hang out in Disney Springs while visiting family in the area. Now whenever we go out of town, everyone just assumes we must be going to Disney. They're almost always right!

Because of my love for Disney, research, planning, and my frequent trips to the parks, friends started asking me for advice. Lots of advice! Eventually that morphed into me actually making plans for them. After making full touring plans for 4 different families in a 6 month span, I started dreaming of doing this as a job -- at least on the side. All my friends and family were super supportive of this idea, but I didn't really think it was something people needed. There's so much free information out there and if I can do it, so could they.

But the thing is, not everyone wants to spend all that time researching. Not everyone likes planning out every little detail. And when it comes down to hours of their time or just 20-45 bucks...it turns out people are pretty willing to pay the cash and save their time. So now here we are! I work with people who have booked their trips to Disney but are still needing guidance in figuring out the details and planning their days. And I LOVE it! Talking about Disney is my favorite thing, and making plans is like a fun little challenge for me. Each one is different and it's fun to figure out how all the pieces fit together for each family.

So if you need some help with planning your Disney vacation - shoot me an email or Facebook message! I would love to work with you and help your Disney experience be a whole new world!

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